Stress is an unavoidable daily occurrence. When you have too much stress in your life you become exhausted. Physically you are tired. Muscles are sore, stiff, and achy. You might get sick more often, have headaches, or other health issues. If all that was not enough, your sleep is a nightmare. You either can’t fall asleep or you keep waking up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep. People tell you to exercise. HA! Who has time for that?
Mentally you feel like your brain is in a fog. You have trouble concentrating, retaining new information, and you feel like your memory is shot. You may be more forgetful than normal. You start to see simple mistakes at work and at home.
Emotionally you are drained. When you think about it, you can’t remember the last time you felt happy, rested, and passionate about life.
Every day you wake up and try to find the energy to put on the fake smile. You pretend all day long that everything is okay. Inside you are numb. You keep looking for a magic wand to fix it all. All you want is to take a mid day nap.
The once happy, outgoing, passionate, ambitions woman has gone missing. I can tell you she is still there, and we can work together to help you find her again.
I wish I had that magic wand for you, but I don't. What I do have are some tools and resources to help you cope with stress once and for all in your life. To help you find yourself again.
In therapy we will work together to: